URhere: Home
C O N T E N T S   I N C L U D E :
Abyssinia, the novel
Cat Show Song
"Philo" Cartoon
Dummy Disc Jackets Ad
Absinthe Recipe
Fontok, the Thaiglish font
Short poem about Amazons
The Supreme House Calendar
Holy Shıt! the novel
Collected Poetry
Nice Illusion, the Movie
Big Lebowski Trivia Quiz
Los Del Titicaca - a experimental
   musical experience

Photos from Strange Countries
Goodbye Disco Song
Animated Greeting Cards
Dan Vinci - Da Vinci Code Font
Big Lebowski Magic Bowling Ball
Free Palm Reading
Big American Breakfast, the novel


Cheers, amigos! This site contains stuff I've brewed up which I hope you will enjoy. If you like anything in particular, why not email a link to your pals? Please send comments, suggestions or criticism to:


Writing - Novels, Journalism, Screenplays, Poetry
Music - Original tunes and collaborations
Artwork - Stuff to look at.
Films - Nice Illusion, the Movie, Destination
     Thailand Travel Show & random snips
Photos - Friends and travels
Webs - Looney Planet, Big Lebowski fan pages,   
     Android Freud, Haikutomatic, etc.
Misc - Altogether unclassifiable.

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