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Oliver Benjamin                            
Solomon the Israelite?”
“I am,” said Roy.
“Of course. The bible speaks of their meeting as well. But in our
Ethiopian book, the Kebra Negast, we learn what happened on their
last night together, and afterwards!
“Solomon of course had his way with our queen and she returned
home pregnant with his child, Menelik. But when he was old enough,
Menelik returned to visit his father. Though a shade darker, the king
was surprised at the degree to which his son resembled him. Coupled
with Sheba’s rare beauty, Menelik seemed to radiate the best of both
worlds. Solomon was confident his son would grow to be a great
leader, and set aside extra time to coach him in kingly mannerisms
and graces.
“Enjoying his father’s hospitality as the queen had years before,
Menelik as well wanted something to take back with him to Ethiopia,
another great seed to help fertilize his future empire. So he asked his
father for a souvenir. ‘Anything you desire,’ the king replied
graciously and his son replied, ‘I should like the ark of the covenant.’”
Webele interjected here to underline the gravity of the request.
“This is like visiting Paris and asking to take home the Eiffel Tower.”
“Yes. Thank you for helping,” the elegant man said to Webele,
then turned back to Roy, “The Ark of the Covenant was the sacred
container holding the tablets upon which were written the ten
commandments, the single most valuable material object in the
Jewish religion. It was kept in the very center of Solomon’s temple, a
spot so sacred that few were ever allowed to enter. Of course
Solomon refused the request. But he agreed to have a perfect copy
made. And Menelik appeared content with this.”
“Remember now,” Four-teeth pointed out, “He was offering to
make a copy of a sacred object. An icon. God would not look kindly
on this.”
“Well-put, my friend. Now may I finish?” Four-teeth fell silent.
He continued, “Very well then. To fashion a copy, the ark needed to
be examined closely by a craftsman. Solomon hired his most trusted
artisan and set him to work duplicating the wooden container. When
the beautiful replica was finished, The king presented it to Menelik,
along with all sorts of jewels, spices and silks. After a sentimental
goodbye, the king watched his proud son depart and marveled at the
degree to which royal grace seemed to be bred in the bone. It was not
until much later that a priest opened the ark to find that the tablets
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