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Oliver Benjamin                            
pretext for stealing the throne. He wrote the Kebra Negastto prove
his membership in a lineage that had never existed! Still, everyone
believed the myth was true. Even Selassie. And of course they did—it
was a great lie. It helped keep the country united. Moreover, there
was the lie that Ethiopia had the Ark of the Covenant, and they
therefore had a special sanction under God. But no one has ever seen
this Ark. If they really possessed such a great artifact, don’t you think
they would want to show it off for everyone to see? Supposedly it’s
kept in a walled fortress in a church in Axum, guarded by a lone
monk who is never allowed to leave. Of course he isn’t. A few beers
and he might spill the truth, a truth that would damage Ethiopian
tradition, particularly the divine right to rule by the Christian
Amhara minority.”
“But how is that any different from the rest of the world?” Roy
protested, “Every country has their lies and myths and propaganda
that keep them together. Even the US.”
“Of course even the US!” Crash threw up his arms, “Fibs make up
the fabric of all cultures. Take the very name of our country for
instance: America. Named after Amerigo Vespucci the great explorer.
Only he wasn’t. He was a common sailor, and like any sailor he drank
a lot and lied about his exploits to his friends when he came home.
People believed him, a legend got started, and voila!The whole
country was named after him.”
“I suppose that a lie told often enough becomes the truth,” Roy
“Sure. Lenin said that. And well he should know. It seems that
human culture might just be one big Kipling ‘Just So Story’ that ends
up being true despite itself.”
How the Leopard Got its Spots” Roy said.
“Ethiopian fingerprints,” Winfield replied with a grin, “Five dots
of black. More people know that explanation than know the real
“Which is?” Roy said.
“Who knows? And who cares anyway? A few scientists.”
Roy protested, “But that only proves the importance of our
searching for truth,” Roy said, “If we’re tyrannized by lies, then truth
should set us free.”
“Sure. But the problem is that most people don’t know they’re
being tyrannized and they don’t care. Real freedom is not wanted. It’s
too great of a burden, having to question everything. And lies hold
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