Dr. Herbert Benjamin
Since it doesnt take an ounce of energy.
You just let the ocean float you,
Let it whirl you, let it tote you.
Whee and whoopsy, whoopsy-daisy, whoopsy-
Whee! said Henry. Whee! He swooshed and twirled,
and splashed and swirled, end slid and floated, and
played harder than he ever played before.
Then he rested and looked around for his pickle pack,
but it wasnt there. I wonder where my pickle pack is,
he said.
He looked everywhere, and then he saw it was
floating off with his parachute, far far away. He tried to
get to it, but couldnt reach it any longer. Soon the
pickle pack and the parachute were out of sight.
Oh my! said Henry. Oh me, oh my! What a
thing to lose! I better head for home now. I dont think I
know how to get along without my pickle pack!
Henry looked around for land. I wonder which
way land is, he thought.
Henry looked down and saw some fish swimming
below the surface. Hello, he said. Can you tell me
which way land is?
The fish looked up at Henry and moved their
mouths as if they were talking.
What did you say? Henry called down.
The fish moved their mouths some more.
What did you say? Henry called again.