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Dr. Herbert Benjamin
Voices swooshed by again. One said, “I’m a Drice.
That’s a nice dream.”
Another said, “I’m a Drad. That’s a bad dream.”
Another said, “I’m a Drinch. I pinch and wake you
up when the bad dream is over.”
Then Henry said, “But I can’t see you!”
“Who would you like to see first,” swooshed the
“Drice!” said Henry. “I’d like to see a
Suddenly there was a very nice little rowboat
sitting in the water. It had a smiling face in front which
said, “Hello, I’m Drice, the nice little dreamboat, just the
right size for a very nice dream. Jump in and row
“Oh, thank you Drice!” Henry said, and jumped in.
“Oh, do I feel better. Are you just a dream? I so wish you
were real!”
“Nice dreams
real,” said Drice in the nicest
voice. As real as they can be, if you remember them
later. Will you
“I certainly will,“ said Henry.
“Oh, please do,” said Drice. “Most dreamers say
that, but they often forget.“
“Am I a dreamer?” asked Henry.
“Of course,” said Drice. “Everything and everybody
know. How about some cushions?”
“Gee, thanks,” said Henry. “Thanks a lot.”
“Anything else?” said Drice.
“I can’t think of anything at all,” said Henry.
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