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Dr. Herbert Benjamin
“Here, put this in your pocket. It’s a pellet of patented
pickle polish. If you ever run into trouble, just rub it all
over you. You can slip out of the worst dangers that way.
It’s the most dependable pickle protector there is. I’ve
been saving it just in case.”
“Oh, thank you,” said Henry.
Then Poppa Pickle went to get something behind
the big Peach can. “Here’s a pickle pack to put on your
back,” he said. It has lots of things beginning with P in
it. You can never tell when they will come in handy.”
“Thanks,” said Henry again.
“That’s enough for today,” said Poppa Pickle. “I’ll
tell you the rest tomorrow.”
So all the pickles paraded back into the pickle jar
to go to sleep for the night.
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