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Hundreds of years ago, natural theologians tried to impress
their readers with stories of the wondrous symmetry and
simplicities of Nature; now we see that, ironically, it is the
departure from those simplicities that makes life possible.
It is upon the flaws of Nature, not the laws of Nature, that
the possibility of our existence hinges.
JOHN BARROW,The Artful Universe
1. Unbearable
“Hey, where did everybody go?” Partment yelled into the empty
building. The World O’Partmentssign had been taken down, the
tenants were gone and the place had been cleaned out. At least they
hadn’t changed the locks. He had been very careful, coming at night,
in disguise and accompanied by select deputies of his unwashed
militia. He too had dressed with homeless abandon, although it
wasn’t a stretch: his broken body and worn face already suggested
years of exposure. All he needed to do was change his outfit.
“Damn this jacket stinks,” Partment said. “Maybe before the big-
screen TV and the hookers, you guys should invest in a washing
machine.” His minions sniffed at their own garments, but found no
objectionable odor.
“I think the stink is in your mind,” one of them said.
“Oh great. Now you’re getting philosophical on me. What’s
happened to my innocent little band of savages?”
“Hello? Who’s there?” came a voice from upstairs. Partment
froze. A short, bespectacled young man came down the stairway,
donning a sweater. “I’m sosorry, but we’re not open right now,” he
said remorsefully.
“Not open…?” Partment said, “We who?”
“Why,” he said, “The Biddenbrooks Home for the Mentally Ill.
We take disturbed and misunderstood people—such as yourselves—
and teach them how to function in society. You can fill out
applications next Monday. We’re still reworking the place to
Biddenbrooks standards. Should be ready in a few weeks.”
Partment could hardly conceal his rage. His face had gone
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