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him I
what he wanted me to do! I didn’t say
I would
“Swell,” said the mouse. “You’re a regular fellow.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” said Henry. “That cat didn’t impress
me very much. He acted pretty stuck up. Saying he was
King of the Whole Hall, and all that kind of stuff. What’s
he got against you?”
“Doggone if I know,” said the mouse. “Frankly, I
think he’s jealous.”
“Jealous of what?” asked Henry.
“I can run faster, and slip under doors and into all kinds
of holes. He doesn’t like anybody that can do
better than he can.
“That’s right,” said Henry. “He was bragging he
could sing better than anybody. Can he?”
“Well, he can sing
, when he decides to, but his
voice breaks something
! He’s just a tenth rate
singer, really, but he doesn’t know it. I just run for cover
and stop up my ears.”
“You don’t say!” said Henry. “I kind of knew he
was just bragging.”
“Anyway,” said the mouse, “You said you wanted
to meet the People. That’s easy. There’s a door to one of
their rooms, which has a big crack under it. You could
slip under it without half trying. I’ll show you.”
“Gee, thanks,” said Henry. “It is certainly nice of
By the way, said the mouse. “Umm, there’s
something I wanted to ask you.
“Go ahead,” said Henry. “Don’t be bashful.”
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