Just wait till I get you, you trouble maker! hissed
the cat. Just wait till you come out!
Hm, said Henry. I guess the time has come to
use my pickle protector. So he rubbed the pickle polish
all over himself until he became very slippery.
Henry slid out of the hole and the cats paw came
down, on him, but Henry didnt feel a thing. WHOP!
BOP! BOP! SLAP! went the cat, but each time his paw
just slid off Henry with a squeak.
The cat sat back, amazed.
What a night! he said. What a night! First this
iggly thing comes squiggling down the hall, and then the
mouse punches me in the nose! Now Im missing this
iggly-wiggler every time I aim at it! I got the willies for
sure! And my paw is beginning to hurt! Im going back
to sleep!
And the cat slunk off to his, basket, shaking his
head and saying, What a night! What a night!
What a
Henry slid along in peace until he came to the door with
the crack under it.
Psst, said the mouses, voice behind him. I just
wanted to tell you, you were a real regular fellow.
Anytime you want to visit me again, youre always
Thanks, said Henry.
Dont mention it, said the mouse. Now Ive got
to go get some sleep. Im pretty knocked out. What a
night! What a night! at a night! he said, and went back
into his hole.