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Dr. Herbert Benjamin
Parrot,” he began, “Just what’s it like not to exist?”
“What did you say?” asked the Professor.
“What’s it like not to exist?” Henry repeated.
“Humpf!” said Professor Parrot. “What a silly
question! Not to exist! Why the very
of it! I just
you existed! In every way! Isn’t that enough?
That’s the trouble with you imaginary creatures, always
worried about your existence!”
“Oh,“ said Henry.
Professor Parrot glanced across the sky at the
rising sun, and put away his glasses. “It’s late, Henry,”
he said. “It’s late! And I’ve got an important mission,
you know!” and before Henry knew it, Perry had
scooped him up again, and they flew off in a flurry of
They sped along for all they were worth.
Henry watched the earth go by below him and
soon he saw the park where he had met the Lonesome
Lady of the Salty Tears. Then he saw the cucumber
“I live here!” called Henry, pointing down. “I get
off here! “
“Take good aim and drop him off quick, Perry,”
said Professor Parrot. “No time to lose!” Perry swooped
down and aimed Henry at the cucumber patch.
“Goodbye, Perry, goodbye Professor,” called
Henry. Perry and the Professor waved their wings in
farewell as Henry landed.
Then they streaked off through the sky.
The next thing Henry knew, he had hit the ground
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