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Oliver Benjamin                            
Roy lay huddled on the floor.
“Oi!” yelled one of the men, “That fucker cut up our bitches!” The
young women lay scratched and bleeding in the corner. He gave up
trying to hit the fast-moving Martin, and turned to charge at Roy, still
dazed on the floor.
“An eye for a fucking eye!” a young anarchist bellowed,
producing a small knife.
“It wasn’t me. The cat did it,” Roy said. He wished the cat would
do it again. But Sheba was licking the blood off her claws, harmless
once again. As the attacker came within range, Roy kicked him
squarely in the groin. It was a perfect shot, but somehow he sensed
that he had missed.
“Nice try. But I’m a woman.” The burly anarchist growled,
dropping down with all her weight onto Roy’s chest.
“Colin was right,” Roy said, groaning under her weight, “You
really areugly.”
“And now you’re going to be ugly too,” she said, placing the knife
on his cheek.
Roy heard a hollow metallic sound like a giant bell. The woman
collapsed on top of him to reveal Sprout. She held the dented fire
extinguisher in her arms.
“Are you okay?” she yelled above the noise.
“What?” he replied, but she had already turned around to help
the others. First, she brought down the extinguisher upon the hands
of a thief at the register, who released the money. Then she blanketed
them all with foam, taking pains to target their eyes. They choked
and rubbed at their tearing faces. Blinded as they were, it was easy to
throw them all out the door. Colin, Niles and Martin took special
attention to bang their heads on the low frame while throwing them
“Watch your head!” they cheered after each impact.
“Holy shit, Roy,” Colin said after his sovereignty had been restored.
“What?” he replied.
“Your ear,” he said.
“Your fucking ear is hanging off.”
“My what?” he said. Roy couldn’t hear so well, as his ear cavity
had filled up with blood and the area around it had swelled. Roy once
again had to go to the hospital and have another part of his body
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