Henry dropped into the mouse-hole to pay his
respects. The mouse was very glad to see him and Henry
told about some of his adventures. When he was ready
to say good-night, he noticed the cat waiting outside the
My, said Henry, Isnt that cat annoying. I wish
he would go away.
You dont have to worry about him, now! said the
mouse. He respects you!
Well, I dont feel
sure of myself, said Henry.
Thats one thing Ive learned you shouldnt do! So, Im
not taking any chances.
He can be a bother! said. the mouse. But
fix that. No trouble at all. If theres one thing he cant
resist, its a good chase.
Ready? called the mouse.
Ready! said the cats voice outside.
Go! said the mouse, and he streaked out of the
hole. The cat took off in hot pursuit. While they chased
round and round, Henry made his way peacefully back
to the kitchen.
When he reached. the kitchen door, Henry turned
around and called back Thanks!
Dont mention it! called the Mouse as he flashed
by. Nice to see you again!
Henry tapped on Dirk the Door.
Dirk! Wake up! Henry called. Its me, Henry!
Be a good fellow club member and let me through!
Dirk yawned open. Gee Henry, said Dirk in a