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Dr. Herbert Benjamin
across the street. “You’re setting a bad example for the
others,” snapped a voice next door. “If I were your
mother I’d give you the worst beating!” a voice swept
around the corner.
“Oh my!” thought Henry. “At the last minute!
Won’t I
get back safe!“
“Please, good neighbors,” said Henry, calmly. “Try
and understand. I just took a little trip. A very little trip.
I only circled the world once. Just one tiny trip. I didn’t
do anything wrong.”
But the chorus of voices blew louder and louder.
“Besides,” Henry went on, “traveling is the best
way to make you appreciate how nice home is! Besides,
I had permission! Besides. . . ”
But the neighbors didn’t seem to hear. Their voices
got angrier and angrier the more Henry talked.
Branches thrashed harder and harder. The chimney
smoke swirled madly. The wind howled. The ivy on the
window sill slapped Henry over on his back.
Henry gasped, “Why did I ever leave? No one can
help me now! It serves me right for being too sure of
myself. Now I’ll never get in. Never!”
“Oh yes you will,” twittered a little voice nearby.
“Oh yes you will, Henry.
get back.”
“No, I won’t,” he answered.
Henry heard the flutter of little wings and looked
around. “Who
I’ll get back?”
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