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then I’ll fly away to guide another adventurer like you.”
don’t forget to wave,” said Henry. And
thanks so much for your company. I’m so sorry I didn’t
notice you, now.“
“I didn’t mind,” said Worraps. “Really! But the last
minute has come!” She pushed her beak into the ivy and
parted the vines. “Here, Henry! Slip in quickly,” she
chirped. “
the way!”
“Just one last thing, Worraps,” Henry said.
“Quick, what is it, Henry? There’s no time to lose!”
“Do you think I
“Over-did what?” asked Worraps.
“Was I too sure of myself?”
“Yes,” said Worraps, “but don’t worry about it.
Everyone is, when they first leave home. But you’re
cured of that now!”
“I am? Thank you, Worraps!” said Henry.
with you.“ Worraps chirped. “There’s not a
second to spare.” And she nudged Henry firmly through
the opening in the vines.
Henry slipped in through the leaves and the open
window, and landed on the floor in Peter’s room.
Just as he landed a fierce wind came up and the
window banged shut. Henry looked up and saw Peter
had gotten out of bed to close it with a loud crash.
“Oh!” thought Henry. “Oh, my! Worraps was right!
I just made it in time! There wasn’t a second to spare!”
Henry got up and made his way exhausted to the
hall door.
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