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concerned generation, we will see an end to hunger and disease,
pollution, oppression and hatred.
“Healing the world is actually relatively simple. The most
obvious and elementary step is to do what most of you here tonight
have already done—adopt a strict vegetarian lifestyle. There is no
reason why we as advanced beings should continue to main, kill and
dismember other living things for our own satisfaction. Yet some
would say that eating meat is natural. Alas, a natural drive that goes
against nature is not natural—it is a cancer. And nature must be
protected at all costs. That is the philosophy that our movement—the
Vegetarian Resistance—is based on and that we will put to use when
the time comes for us to heal the earth. That time is approaching so
close that I can feel it, children.
“It still happens. I wake up breathlessly in the night, afraid for
the human race, afraid that they, with their destructive nature, will
turn around and bite the hand that feeds them once too often. That
hand is the earth. But we must not allow this—we must work together
for the benefit of that hand, because my children, we are its only
hope. And even if events become so gloomy that we are the only ones
who survive the cataclysm looming ahead, we have the responsibility
to keep the human race alive so that it may be given yet another
chance. In that case, we will have to rebuild the hand that feeds us.
Now, let us all hold hands. And in doing so, prove that we are the
world, that we are a part of the earth, and a part of each other.”
As we all held hands, forming a long chain of interconnection curling
around the packed room, the Omniraja continued his impassioned
analysis of the state of the world, all the while insisting that the
panacea would come directly from the ashram and the people in it.
What he didn’t explain, however, was exactly how this would be
accomplished. He only pacified his audience with general,
picturesque statements that seemed to unite them. None of the
disciples noticed, however, that despite its attractive packaging this
was a kit with some serious assembly required, and it didn’t even
have an instruction manual. What’s more, batteries weren’t even
included. This great do-it-yourself New World Order was just
supposed to put itself together and spin on its own volition. Or maybe
they thought someone would come and do it for them. The Omniraja
certainly must have had something up his sleeve. Maybe it was the
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